Thursday 17 January 2013

.Wisdom Tooth, Maybe?.

I wish I could show you a picture of what's going between my tooths but unfortunately, it wont be a clear and focused shot.

So let me just briefly explain that its been a week of pain and suffercation. I wasn't sure at first that probably it was some fish bone stuck on my gum but there wasn't. So I thought it'd heal in couple of days. But now, its a week, and the pain is just unbearable! So I checked, and there was this white thing sticking out at the end of my jaw. And I was like, please don't let it be what I think it is! And I googled it up... And ya, I think its the annoying wisdom tooth!

I just cannot wait for Subang tomorrow and Dentist! If its possible to settle tomorrow, tomorrow it is then!

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