Sunday 13 January 2013

.I Miss Him, So Much.

The only time when I'm really missing Sahey, is when he's on a night shift... The house gets so lonely and quiet...

So I sleep on the same pillow that he slept before he went to work :).. I'd take a nice deep sniff of his smell on the pillow and on his worn shirt (armpit area, specifically), hehehehe... Sayang smells so good and its what keeping me so calm and under control :').. It reminds me of how he sleeps like a baby :)..

I don't know what I'd do and be without him :)..

Ya Allah, permudahkan dan lindungi suami saya setiap kali die tidak ade di depan mata saya :).. Saya sayang die sangat, even after 7 tough years together..
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