Wednesday 2 January 2013

.Its Almost 7 Now.


When Sahey's off to work, I am the most loneliest person in the world...

I know this might sound cheesy and mushy and all but ya, I'm gonna write it anyways.

6 years is a very long period for me to be in a relationship and that is how long me and Sahey have been together... The ups and downs were most of the time unbearable but honestly, I can never grow apart from him... And In Syaa Allah, he feels the same as well..

Its been 2 weeks since he last worked night shift and today its starting back... And I just cried cause I tried calling him but he couldn't pick it up due to rain... I get so worried when its raining cause that bridge isn't the safest place to be during rainy days..

This coming April marks 7 years ngan sayang before + after wedding...

I'm slowly putting back my trust in you.. Please use it well... The whole world knows I love you and I hope you feel the same way too..

I feel happy living everyday with you and I'm always regretting every minute of my mood swings knowing I could have used those minutes to smile and have more time spent laughing with you..

Semoga Allah s.w.t. berkati hidup and dan amalan kite dua and semoga Allah s.w.t. berkati hubungan halal kite... Amin amin amin...

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