Saturday 16 March 2013

.Good Dreams Do Come True.


I know its still new, but so far I'm living a happy marriage life... And yes, there were ups and downs, but college taught us well and so did Islam, and we manage to come clean and solved it and move on :).. Thank u Dedeq :)..

Paksu is having this picnic event on the 23rd March at waterfalls! And In Syaa Allah there will be bbq as well.. I wanna join so badly but it all depends on Sayang if he could have day off for few days :'(.. Haihhh... Would be nice to be around families..

Owh and btw, I resigned from TNT. Honestly, that company is one KAMPUNG company! The kepoh and mulut busuk type of kampung! Some *itch spread rumours about me wanting to report to HR that the Sales department are not doing their job. Like hell why would I wanna give a fuck?? And seriously, it's effing NOT COOL when you insult me when I'm wearing hijab and changing for the better! Its another story if I'm free hair cause I don't have to bother about my manners and about what people think! So yea, gave one hell of piss off words to my supervisor and trainer and they couldn't say a thing!! I came there to work and focus on my weakness! Not bullshitting people and putting shit to my own name and image! Grow up people!!

Enough. Astagfirullah... I need to take care of my feelings and choose my words well before talking.

In Syaa Allah, ade rezeki, I will find myself a new job and then when new intake opens for GiatMARA, I will pursue my dreams in Fashion and Dressmaking course.. I want to sew my own baju and for my parents, siblings and Sayang :).. And I believe good dreams do come true, In Syaa Allah :).. Amin amin amin...
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