Monday 20 November 2017

.He's Back. Alhamdulillah.

So Sahey's big surprise for me and the family finally arrived. It was HP ProOne 400 PC :).

Now I have a laptop and a PC! So the old PC, I am gonna send it for fixing and I am gonna give em to my sister. I think she needs it more than me needing the money after selling it away.

So I tried to make a book of my life. Like what dad is doing since forever. Guess what.
Turns out I suck in writing! Baru 1 muka surat and I deleted the whole thing. I feels like such a waste of time. I mean who wants to read about other people's life? Not me. And I doubt anyone would be interested to read it either.

I like doing assignments and work stuff. Cause there's a purpose and goal to it.
But writing about myself?? And my life?
I don't see the point. Keeping it to myself is a better option.

Afiq is back home.

After the big fight, I had this long deep thought to myself and I find myself realizing that I am not the kinda sister who have the heart to abandon my own siblings. Its just not me. I have been looking out for them since forever, I wont make an irrational decision to dump them now. I'm glad I had that conversation with myself as I cleaned his room and folded his shirts. I cant yell at someone to change to the better. I learned that there are more ways to do that. Even if it means being patient and being the example of who you want them to be.

I lack patience. Maybe this is how Allah swt wants to teach me.
By accepting other peoples flaw.
I was never good at that too. Specially the weak ones. Allah.


I am just glad Afiq is where I am able to protect him.


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