Tuesday 17 October 2017

.Another Reflux Attack.

Already 3 days in a row acid reflux attack ni.

But yesterday as I was lying in bed trying to find a painless sleeping position, I felt like a bump on the right side of my tummy. I dont know what it is but when I press it, there's a minor pain to it.

Another bad burn that kept me up all night sitting til my back hurts like hell.

Then I called mom. It was nice chatting with her. It distracted me from the pain for a while.. Mom reminded me that its not the medicine that kills the pain. Its Allah swt.. So never stop Istigfar, in good health or in pain, seek forgiveness from him and in an instant he can take away those pains.

So after we hang up, I put my palm just below my chest where it hurts, and prayed the self healing doa and I never stopped Istigfar until I fell asleep..

Usually when I woke up the next day, there would be residual of the pain but today, I woke up dizzy but no pain and Alhamdulillah, a little more energy. You have no idea how thankful I am to Allah swt everytime I wake up from a horrible messed up pain. Feels good to be alive and strong.

And that was last night's story.

The more I take this gastric pills, the fainter I feel my heart beating. The weaker I feel. And to be honest, pills and lemons are not much help most of the time.

I dont know how long I can cope with Sahey's endless overtimes.
Maybe I am better off staying at Subang. I only slow Sahey down and ruin his work performance.


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