Tuesday 9 July 2013

.High Fever, Infection and Dengue.

I've been admitted in hospital for 4 days now and tonight, mom asked the doctor to discharge me, even when I'm half way to recovery.. But thats ok.. Since sayang is not around, I feel lonely being in this room.

First it was high fever.. According to kak Ma, because of my baby's breech position plus too much driving was what caused my body ache and high fever. My body was handling too much pressure..

And my infection, the doctor said there were red blood cells in my urine, dehydration and I cant remember the other infection term.. I swear there were no bleeding when I urinate -.-...

So the doctor suggested that I get admitted cause my body temperature was already 39° and my lips eyes and tongue were dry.

When I got my blood test result, doctor said I'm dengue positive. Haihhh......

Now I have injection marks everywhere on both hands. Not to mention one swelling vein.

But this is all another test from Allah s.w.t to see how much I remember Allah s.w.t. and Alhamdulillah no prayers left behind and Alhamdulillah, my baby is healthy and active than ever :).. I guess my baby's happy he or she is back to his or her's normal position :).. Alhamdulillah..

*I had 2 major breast milk leak yesterday and the nurse gave me a pair of breast pad! Like period pad only smaller hahaha!!!!*

And btw, the nurses and the doctors and cleaner here at QHC Medical Centre, ARE WAY TO FRIENDLY AND CARING!! I just love them all so much ^^!!!

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