Thursday 6 December 2012

.Settled and Annoyed.

Salam to all Muslims and Hello to the Non-Muslims..

So ever since I moved into this new house, no weird shits going on only I can't stand when the people above me keeps moving things around in the middle of midnight like eg. 12 to 1.30 am, like wtf!! Sumpah bising.. And its starting to piss me off.

And btw, I am happy right now cause In syaa Allah, mom and dad are coming to JB this weekend hehe... Happy weekend =)...

And then next week, me and syg are going to Terengganu for kak Maa's wedding =)..

I am planning to have the guinea pigs moved here but then again, I need to get approval from both apartment owners =(.. Haihhh...


Shopping! Groceries and furnitures!

*Sumpah I can hear people's phone ringing and people talking on the phone, opening cupboards and flushing toilets and stuffs!

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