Sunday 7 August 2016


We went to a nearby mosque.

Sahey was gonna fulfill his Asar prayer and I was gonna withdraw some money at Bank Islam ATM just next to the mosque entrance.

We parked across the road.

And then the conversation started when I noticed Sahey was about to cross the street without me.

Me: Baba! Tunggu la mama!!

*He didn't say a shit and gave me that one eyebrow lift face*

Me: BABA! Baba ni x prihatin la kt keselamatan bini x(...
Sahey: Nanti mama kne lintas sorang gak balik kete -.-.


Me: Baba ni ngade la -.-.

It got me thinking, mmg betul pn. I wasn't gonna wait for him to finish his prayers to cross the road. Abis nnt budak2 nages.

But still! He could have at least walked me across the street x(!!!
NOT A GENTLEMEN! Haihhh -.-.
Heartbreaking left behind by your hubby..

Tu je aku nk cite. I find that moment of conversation reminding me of zaman college :)..

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