Wednesday 14 August 2013

.Raya AidilFitri 2013.

It has been a long and busy Raya AidilFitri with the open houses and visiting the relatives and entertaining guests and touring round Terengganu, my second home now :)..

Anyways, got Raya money from Mom and Dad.. Thank you Attie and Ammie ^^... Alhamdulillah..

In Syaa Allah next year it will Raya with our baby :)..

So tomorrow we're heading back to Johor Bahru and the next day I have got another pregnancy appointment and a month after that, goodbye Johor :(.. And it'll be another month after that till, In Syaa Allah, my baby is delivered :).. Ya Allah, semoga Kau selamatkan and permudahkan sessi bersalin aku secara normal.. Semoga anak aku sihat and sempurna sifat and agama nye.. Aamiin...

That's all for now..

Will post Raya pictures when I get back to Johor ^^. Cannot wait :)..

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