Thursday 20 June 2013

.Haze and Water Birth.

Indonesia starts the fire and the whole of Singapore and part of Malaysia gets the filthy haze -.-.. What did we do wrong...

Its already bad enough that Malaysian developers are putting trees here to nonexistence just to have their selfish buildings conquering our beautiful sky view!!! We are so running out of filters!!

Hope my baby still gets to see what a Green Forest looks like. Fuck all these Concrete Jungle or whatever you call em!

I've been reading about water birth.. Its cool, I know, but thats not my point. Its a little less painful than on bed. And thats what I want cause I don't want to take all those painkiller drugs during all those pushing and deep breathing.

But then again, from what I've read, water birth at hospital costs about RM6k and as far as my research goes, there are available at Hospital Pantai at Bangsar and Penang. And I doubt the nurses here are experienced enough as the ones in the UK US and Canada to help water birth at home.

Semoga Allah s.w.t. berikan aku jalan terbaik tuk bersalin and permudahkan aku and anak aku sepanjang sebelum, semasa and selepas bersalin... Amin amin amin..

Tick tock tick tock, and you know June is almost ending and hello 9th July and hello to another 3 more months to go, In Syaa Allah.. Amin amin amin...

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