Thursday 5 July 2012

.When Husband and Wife Shops.

So today spent the whole day with Ziela accompaning her to renew her roadtax and insurance..

Everyone, Takaful Malaysia is the best car insurance you can ever invest in, InsyaAllah =).. Let me just say, FUCK U AMBANK STAFFS!

Then after settling the whole thing and before sending Ziela to KTM for Perak, I went to Mydin to buy some stuffs for my room.. I was looking for laundry basket and there was this woman next to me, she took out 3 different type of baskets and was tapping and hitting the thing. Then she called her husband, and it went something like this:

Wife: Bang, sni bang..
*Husband walking towards her*
Wife: Abg rasa.. Abg rasa kuat x bakul ni??
Husband: Bakul mmg kuat, lain la budak tu duduk atas bakul ni patah la..

Hahahaha! Comey nye dorang...

To you it may sound like nothing but when I watched them, it was the funniest thing a wife could have asked a husband and it was the sweetest and spontanious thing how the husband responded to the wife with his face expression and voice tone haha.. Ini mesti anak hyper lompat atas bakul -.-..!

Haihhh... Aku doa suami aku mcm ni ngan aku ble da kawen =).. Happy je ble g shopping... And I pray the same to all my best friends =)...

Happy birthday everyone =)...!

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