Monday 21 October 2013

.The Day He Became A Dad.

The first day Sahey became a dad ")..

He looked a little different from before when I watched him look at his son.. A little of disbelief and more of excitement. Mane tak, anak mke bapak and plus our first born is a boy ").. It was what he had always wanted but it still wouldnt matter if it was a girl..

His pride and joy ")..

I still havent congratulate him so, Congratulations Sayang for being a Dad to our son :')..

Mama loves you so much!

Alhamdulillah.. Termakbul doa aku tuk bg happiness to both sides of the family :).. Cucu sulung mereka ")..

Thank you Allah s.w.t. for protecting me, my baby, my husband and our family from the first day I knew I was pregnant, until after my safe delivery and til future ")..

Aamiin aamiin aamiin :)..

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