Wednesday 8 May 2013

.Stupid Racism!.

Racism. That's whats been going on here ever since before election and it got worst after election.

Here's my most honest opinion!

I say let old timer politicians settle their problems! They wanna kill each other, then let them!

We as youth should NOT follow their steps and start making our own future! A better place to live! I don't see much racism in youth today.

Those youth who are racist, are simple too obsessed with politics and enjoys drama and wars!

Not just youth but warga emas who don't come from political background are doing just fine hanging with different race and religion.

I enjoy being around different race and religion cause we share knowledge and it feels good to smile and help people!

I want my generations to live in peace in Malaysia! So stop saying shit things about killing other races! There are other ways to settle arguments and differences!
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