Friday 15 June 2012

.Orang Lidi Bergerak.

The one incident that I will never forget was that scary night in Mak Uda's room..

The family spent the night at Nenek's old wooden house and me Nabbie and Nonnie decided to sleep in Mak Uda's room.

So that night, us 3 slept on the floor facing the window with the curtains open and the blurry glass window closed. We were scared cause Nenek's house gave us goosebumps with all the noise in the silent night. In the middle of the night, we tried not to stare at the window. And that was when I saw a shadow of a 'Lidi Man' walking pass Mak Uda's bedroom window! Like a walking branch but with no round head on top! It stopped half way cross the window and paused a while and then continued walking. My guess, it felt my shocked eyes.

I still wonder if Nabbie and Nonnie saw the thing.

The one thing that scared the shit out of me.

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