Sunday 1 March 2015

.Busy Week.

Feels like I am so close to starting but when I look again, it then feels like forever. Like my journey from JB to Subang :'(.. Forever, but sooner or later, I will get there..

If only there's a fabric factory around JB!!! I would have settled half of my work in a jiffy..!

Anyways, good news is, dad volunteer to be my accountant hehe.. And Alhamdulillah, dad's lending me some money for start up :).. Will have to pay dad back later, InsyaAllah..

Alhamdulillah too cause I think I have found my tailor :D...! Aamiin aamiin aamiin :)..

As for my family, Taufiq and Adra are healthily growing, Sahey is as usual, handsome and always there when I needed extra hand :)..

Noni is back at UTM Skudai and Billa's wedding is on this coming 7th March, this weekend!

Hope it'll be a good week :).. Aamiin aamiin aamiin :)..

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