Thursday 14 August 2014

.Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2014.

Yes, I know its a little too late to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, but I'll wish it anyways :)..

First til forth Raya at Terengganu and then the rest at Subang :).. Mom and dad's open house was a success Alhamdulillah but sad cause I didnt have time to talk to Ziela :'(.. Guilty sgt and I am really sorry for not being able to entertain you cause Sahey's cousin was around :(.. I will make it up to you InsyaAllah before I head back to JB :)..

Anyways, Taufiq received alot of duet Raya Alhamdulillah and so did Adik :).. Will open up Tabung Haji once I have his original birth certificate in my hands..

Raya pictures of Sahey me Taufiq and Adik (inside mama's big belly) :D..

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