Friday 25 April 2014

.7 Month Old.

Alhamdulillah.. My little baby turns 7 month old today :)...

And for the second time, celebrated at Secret Recipe, Jusco Tebrau.. He had his instant porridge cause there were no porridge in the menu.. :(.. Sorry ea sayang mama..

Daddy bought him a Converse sneaker.. He's not even crawling yet lol -.-'...

And mummy bought him a bedding cot 7 in 1 set :)... I love seeing the whole set concept thingy for a cot hehe...

2 sad thing happened today..

Taufiq fell in the toilet in his walker :'(.. Traumatized both me and Taufiq and I cried the most.. Alhamdulillah sgt there's no injury.. Hopefully same goes with his insides.. Aamiin aamiin aamiin.. Ya Allah, jauhkan la anak anak aku dari kemalangan, and kesakitan, and kecelakaan.. Aamiin aamiin aamiin..

And then the news dad got warded due to blood blockage causing the heart attack he had yesterday and today :'(.. The moment I got that phone call, I couldnt stop worrying and Alhamdulillah, the doctor said dad seems better. But just incase it happens again, its surgery for dad.. InsyaAllah, Allah swt sentiasa plan yg terbaik untuk ayah.. Aamiin aamiin aamiin.. Get well soon ayah.. We all love you :')..

And thats for today..

Assalamualaikum :)..

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