Monday, 25 March 2019

.Adra's Eye Test Follow Up.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

So this morning was Adra's appointment with eye specialist, Dr. Tan regarding her squint eye. And can I first say how humble and nice and gentle Dr. Tan (female) is with my daughter :').. I highly recommend her :)..

Anyways, the appointment goes, Dr. Tan said, Pediatric recommend for surgery, if after 6 months there is no improvement or no progress with her eyes. And as far as eye tests went this morning, her squint is still far from center. :(.

With that, Adra's next appointment will be on the 8th April 19, with a Pediatric. To get confirmation and approval for the surgery.

As a mother, I am very nervous for a surgery on a kid at that age. Cause she already knows fear and she already knows pain :(. She can sense it when situation looks uncomfortable. But, I cant let my worries show. If I show her I am strong, she'll have faith too.. InsyaAllah.

I'll be there for her everyday, InsyaAllah. Aamiin.

Allah swt has the best plans planned and he is the best decision maker for everyone. Aamiin.

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