Its only the second day of real work, means no more training, and I already feel like a thousand years and 1 day feels forever to end! Seriously, I am going numb with these numbers and hard headed customers! Can’t believe I got back home at 8.11pm all because of sorting numbers!!! Like EARGH!
I still remember back in Medigate, I could still joke around and send smiley emails to customers, but now, if I do that, I would get scolded by my supervisor cause customer might take advantage of my friendliness. And yea, drag their debt to forever!
But whatever the stress pn, hehehe, Alhamdulillah I got my pay .. Half of the real pay amount.. Itupn kira byk jugak for 2 weeks of training
And thank you sayang for having lunch with me at McDonald.. .. It really helped lighten my stress weight and wiped tears of my face
.. Love you so much!! Love you sangat2
Keep few months of pay and settle:
- Sayang’s RM3k maxis bill and then terminate line!
- Buy PC
- Terminate P1 and go for Unifi!
That is if I survive this job! Thank you!
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