Complained to 11street regarding the Seller who still haven’t posted my item yet til now. And requested for refund. But bodoh nye 11street said to give Seller time until 8th December! What the fuck? Da la lama kne tggu! And now kne tunggu lagi?! Bad solution 11street! I hate you now!
Then I manage to get through to Pos Malaysia customer service after listening to their STUPID HOLD SONG which was about 30 minutes that felt like HOURS! Turns out that my item was shipped back to China airport and now its been shipped back to Malaysia. And then you put the shipping status as SUCCESSFUL DELIVERY?? Ape gile??
I called MOTHERFUCKER MAXIS! And they said I have to wait until 2nd December PULAK for both line to be clear for telco change! BANGSAT! If 2nd December ko delay kan lg my issue, I WILL CREATE EVEN MORE ISSUE FOR YOU ASSHOLES!!!!
And topping off all that, MY KIDS WONT LET ME WATCH DC CROSSOVER!!!!!! I feel like I could just tear my hair off my head!!! YA ALLAH!! You’ve been conquering the TV WHOLE DAY like EVERYFUCKINGDAY! Give la mama just few hours of my show!!!
That wraps up the whole shitty news of yesterday!
For the good news.
- My leather tool and my magnet snaps safely arrived home
- I ordered 2 7inch cake from Kak Diana because I was so stressed over bad news! Green Tea and Velvet Cheese! Will be picking it up today morning InsyaAllah.
- Will be having dinner with Nisa and some college friends, which I’m not sure if I know them or not, at Stulang, Saturday night
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