Hubby is on night shift this week and next week :(.. Its 2 weeks of long lonely nights.. Haihhh..
I only have 1 month and few days to deliver.. Whoever is reading, please pray me hubby and baby make it through delivery and after delivery.. Safe and healthy.. Aamiin...
Good news is parents and Noni are probably coming tomorrow if not, 30th August :). Noni is finally going for her Degree this 1st of September :).. And plus Sayang's birthday is coming and In Syaa Allah, he will be on a 5 days holiday on that occasion :D..
I still have 2 more JB pregnancy check-up appointment. I dont know how many gazillion times I've mentioned the same thing. I just cant wait to get over with government appointments. I like their services but I just have issues with the slow progress of ticket numbers. In Syaa Allah next appointment would be baby scanning :).. Remind me to ask for a print out..
Semoga Allah s.w.t. murahkan rezeki kami sekeluarga.. Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin..