Saturday, 22 June 2013

.Mulut Busuk, Keep It To Yourself.


Alhamdulillah, the haze are clearing from JB and unfortunately, moving down to KL.. So KL people, dont forget your face masks :)...

I've never felt happier to see and feel the bright hot sun and clear atmosphere :D... Alhamdulillah, appreciate mother earth and stop illegal timbering and logging.. :).. Owh and STOP CONSTRUCTION!!!

And here's to another story.

To families who think they are so pious, let me tell you, just cause I am mental, it doesnt mean I dont read the Quran cause surprise yourself, I DO!!! My parents are the best and they put religion Islam before anything else! They taught me all I needed to know Alhamdulillah even when we got migrated to Africa. So jaga la mulut busuk anda tu ye.

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