Semoga dikembalikan barang yg hilang..
Aamiin aamiin aamiin..
Semoga dikembalikan barang yg hilang..
Aamiin aamiin aamiin..
No, I am not complaining, but these sleepless nights are really taking toll on my face and my emotions.
I feel so moody in day and night. I get so upset when I see others sleep so peacefully and not offering a helping hand in the night cause there is no one in the night except me..
So I kept myself sane, steady and calm by reminding myself that this is what my mother went through raising me up specially when I was a hardcore cryer back then and plus my mom had a job. How and where she got all those energy to go through each day half alive :'(.. I love you mom..
I'm such a loser. I cant even handle myself, how am I gonna handle my little baby :(..
Haihhh sabar Nadhirah Rosli...
Subhanallah (33x) , Alhamdulillah (3x) and Allahuakbar (33x) before sleep for another day's energy to be a wife and a mom..
Aamiin aamiin aamiin...
I have already forgiven you..
I just need to hear an apology to be able to start any conversation or a smile..
Bukan xnk bertegur, but I think I deserve an apology first before starting any conversation, like nothing ever happened between us.
What did I ever said or do that offended you so badly that you had to wish me dead? Honestly, no matter how bad family offend each other, I dont think wishing em dead is necessary.
You need to grow up and set your priorities straight.
Family is all there is when there is nothing left.
I appreciate you missing me via Syikin..