You fucked up screwed up betch! Aku xhalal kn RM14 aku no matter what! Amin amin amin!!
Friday, 29 March 2013
.Aku Xhalal Kan, Meaning, Aku Haramkan!.
You fucked up screwed up betch! Aku xhalal kn RM14 aku no matter what! Amin amin amin!!
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
.Black Circle.
The first two seconds, there was nothing but darkness..
Then came the lightning that goes wild.
Few seconds after that, I see stars... So many too many stars.
And when I try to go further, these stars suddenly turns to fireworks or some sort of small flowers floating everywhere..
As I try to focus to what I was trying to project, I saw a black circle. Medium sized.
And so the image projected, but the black circle was still there.. Like a watermark, like a shadow in the mists..
So I opened my eyes...
There was light. There was sound. And there was feel again.
Friday, 22 March 2013
.PD, No Go March.
So I’m guessing Legend, Port Dickson holiday with the family is a no go since Nabbie can’t get an emergency leave from Mayfair. Hopefully April is a go go…
4 summons = RM600! Earghhh~~
I wanna go Subang Jaya!!!!
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
.A Family Blog Maybe..?.
I created one, but then, I deleted the blog, because I didn't do any discussion with the others. I think its a good idea knowing now I'm far from them all :(.. And soon Noni will be joining me here in Johor doing her Degree. And Afiq would be busy soon with which ever college he chooses to enroll.
I need to get cooking...
Monday, 18 March 2013
.Ecah’s Wedding Round The Corner.
So Ecah’s wedding is just 2 more months to go .. I wonder if the preparations are almost done or not hehehe
… Sangat cannot wait for her big day
.. I wanna see her and all our Legenda friends
…! Siti Aishah Yunus, if you’re reading this, do let me know if there’s anything I can help you with any of your wedding preparation.. I want to repay you back for being the biggest help during my wedding
.. I’d be more than happy to help
… I tried calling you but it just went straight to voicemail –.-.. Do call me or reply my text..
Its 6.48pm.. I should start cooking for my beloved husband .. I love you sayang
Have a good night everyone ..
.Summons Summons Summons!.
I wanna go back to Subang :'(... Haihhh.... This is so tough :(...
Saturday, 16 March 2013
.Good Dreams Do Come True.
I know its still new, but so far I'm living a happy marriage life... And yes, there were ups and downs, but college taught us well and so did Islam, and we manage to come clean and solved it and move on :).. Thank u Dedeq :)..
Paksu is having this picnic event on the 23rd March at waterfalls! And In Syaa Allah there will be bbq as well.. I wanna join so badly but it all depends on Sayang if he could have day off for few days :'(.. Haihhh... Would be nice to be around families..
Owh and btw, I resigned from TNT. Honestly, that company is one KAMPUNG company! The kepoh and mulut busuk type of kampung! Some *itch spread rumours about me wanting to report to HR that the Sales department are not doing their job. Like hell why would I wanna give a fuck?? And seriously, it's effing NOT COOL when you insult me when I'm wearing hijab and changing for the better! Its another story if I'm free hair cause I don't have to bother about my manners and about what people think! So yea, gave one hell of piss off words to my supervisor and trainer and they couldn't say a thing!! I came there to work and focus on my weakness! Not bullshitting people and putting shit to my own name and image! Grow up people!!
Enough. Astagfirullah... I need to take care of my feelings and choose my words well before talking.
In Syaa Allah, ade rezeki, I will find myself a new job and then when new intake opens for GiatMARA, I will pursue my dreams in Fashion and Dressmaking course.. I want to sew my own baju and for my parents, siblings and Sayang :).. And I believe good dreams do come true, In Syaa Allah :).. Amin amin amin...
Saturday, 9 March 2013
.Ariana and Batrisya.
My baby was born and we were trying to think of a name for her.. There were 2 people who suggested 2 names..
Person 1:
He proposed the name Ariana... *the moment I heard that name, there was a clip of a big ship trying to get through raging waves and heavy storm*
Person 2:
He didn't agree and said because the name Ariana has a bad meaning to it.. And so he proposed the name Batrisya..
And as I remember, my dream speeded to few years in the future where my baby was then 3 or 4 years old and I remember calling her name, Ariana.. And I guess that was the name we chose.
Funny thing.. Today, in the middle of afternoon, I had this urge of wanting to Google for the meaning Ariana and Batrisya. And guess what..
Full of life
Smart but according to most Ustazs, this name is not recommended as mostly used by jins and most women with this name get possessed by jins.
Do youyou. see the contradiction??
Person 2 was somehow trying to manipulate meanings to the name!
Although it was just a dream, Alhamdulillah, I went for Ariana.. For whatever this dream means, I pray its just another dream and another trick of satans! Amin amin amin...
I need to read more Quran and more Zikir and Selawat...
.Congratulations and Thank You :).
Surprises after surprises... I told my hubby few days ago that I wanted cupcake so much and its so hard to find those creamy icy cupcakes... Then 2 days after that, hahaha!! He bought me cupcakes! No, he ordered cupcakes with 'LOVE NADHIRAH' on it :')...

And I don't know what to say cause it was just there and straight away hugged him, said thank you and digged in like nobody's business haha! Thank you sayang :')... It meant a lot to me :)...
And moving on to loved ones in Subang Jaya... Afiq, just got his license ^^… Well, you're a half matured man now Afiq.. Congratulations little brother :).. I'm proud of you for not giving up.. Make sure no breaking road laws and you'll be a full grown man, a full license! :)..

And that's all so far :).. Too lazy to type on phone lol..
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
.Happy Birthday Nabilah Rosli.
Every since I worked at TNT, all I’ve been dreaming is staring at the computer while looking at people’s big amount of debts and thinking of words to threat them to paying before closing date. Its a fucking nightmare! Then I woke up in the middle of after midnight, piss, sleep and find myself dreaming the same thing again!! RIDICULOUS!!!
I’m still holding on. Head above water.
No, truth is, barely breathing. I was gonna give up few days ago but I went to the surau and sat there and talked to myself. Then did my prayer. I only had the family in my mind to keep myself from breaking down. I swear it was emotional!
Enough. Time for Isyak and sleep.
To Nabilah Rosli, a very Happy Birthday to you.. May Allah s.w.t. bless you and your life with all the best things in life. May you always remember Allah s.w.t and never stray from the right path to Jannah.. Amin amin amin… Sorry I couldn’t make it to your birthday … Eat on my behalf ok hahaha! Love you bebeh
… Regards to the family…
Monday, 4 March 2013
.I’m Out of Title–.-!.
I suggest myself to write the Post Title to Date. Easier and doesn’t really use that much percentage of brain to think of a title that summaries the whole thing.
I can’t believe I still have that urge and guts to skip work like as if I am in high school or college –.-! Kepala hotak die~ But when the family and Sayang comes to mind, I managed to force myself to just get over with it ASAP. Please la, I really hate Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays! Haihhh…
So work today, loads of shits piled up for tomorrow and KJ now knows my phobia for numbers and calculations. And she kept asking me why and she kept reminding me, “Don’t worry the numbers cannot eat you one”, –.-… She just doesn’t get it. I even told her I got “Telor ayam” for Math SPM. And her jaw dropped lol. To hell~
Oihhh… Why la tomorrow Chiew Hoon decides to take leave when I’m still new and learning things –.-. Its ok. I can cope, In Syaa Allah.
Owh hehehe, and Alhamdulillah I manage to make time to see Sayang during lunch and at 6.30pm walaupun it was like 5 minutes meet up –.-!
Ok, I need my rest. Goodnight.
Sunday, 3 March 2013
. I Am Always Blessed, Alhamdulillah.
Its been a while since I drew anything..
Sayang just head off to work and I’m alone..
And my lazy mood is on. I don’t feel like going to work tomorrow.
- I don’t like pushing people. And make them feel irritated when I ask for outstanding payments.
- I don’t like the big numbers I see every weekdays!
- I get so sick of looking at fucked up faces at work.
- I don’t like keeping up to peoples debts!
But I want to help Sayang save up some money to buy himself a new motorbike. I want to see him happy, cause I love him so much.. And I want to support mom dad and siblings, financially. I’m doing this for these loved ones. In Syaa Allah, I will take good care of everyone. Rezeki hamba-hamba Allah s.w.t. datang dari sume arah and dari pelbagai bentuk.. Amin amin amin…
If all else fails, In Syaa Allah, I will still have my drawing and designing skills and my passion to make a business. And I have Sayang, Daddy, Mommy and Nonnie to support and back me up .. The business-minded people in the family
.. And I have Nabbie, Afiq and Syikin for extra hands haha
… Alhamdulillah… I have always been blessed
Saturday, 2 March 2013
.Selamat Pengantin Baru Ucop & Niza.
I wish it was like the old days. Everyone would just go online on YM or MSN or Skype and chat for hours and sometimes video chat and make stupid faces lol.. But now, there are smart phones. Sigh, I tell you its not cool. Cause keyboard typing is way exciting than touchscreen –.-..
Anyways, Alhamdulillah and congratulations to Ucop and Niza . Finally selamat di nikahkan at Surau Al-Falak, Kulaijaya
. Semoga bahagia sampai ke anak cucu
.. Berseri seri pengantin laki and perempuan
.. Tak sempat nk amik pic on my phone
.. But will ask Niza for pic from her camera
Done for today.. I need a good rest … Esok I wanna cook mushroom fried rice ^^..
Friday, 1 March 2013
Work today, hectic and exhausting! Too many things absorbed at the same time! Of course, its the closing date and all our customers are either happy to pay or just simply being hard-headed dragging their debt to new month and to forever until I have to stop and block their account. And I live happily ever after!!
I don’t really have much too complain regarding people but honestly, hahaha, you know this is funny. There is this *itch at work, name Adira *embarrasing to have her name after mine~*, I think she’s jealous of me cause I probably took all of her lame records such as eg, the nickname “Dira”, the prettiest, and the youngest~~ and plus, I am married and she is old and still acting like some shitting young cunt with irritating gedik voice and she thinks every guy in the office is after her! *SAY WHAT???* Difference between me and her, I am not lame and going round nagging about things to everyone~ And get this, she talks to everyone but rolls eyes and does not talk to me. You think I care if you say “I love you” to everyone at work except me?? *itch you’re Cheap~
And Chee Hoon. She’s my credit controller colleague. She’s one careless piece of ass trying to point fingers and pin point “my mistakes” when she didn’t do any checking before accusing me! She thinks she’s a know it all. She talks about mistakes and shits and she does the same shit and caught her more than once but just ignoring it cause I am just using her for my own good.
Anyways, that’s all for now. Time to sleep. I am juiced!